Physical Condition

Physical Condition

This Laxmi Narayan Secondary School is located at Namobuddha Municipality ward no 1 in Kavrepalanchok district about 43 km east of Kathmandu valley in the hilly region. It is located between Dapcha Bazzar and the religious place Namobuddha which is famous for Buddhist devotees and foreign tourists. Monasteries, Stupas and temples are surrounded by green forest. The Himalayan ranges and beautiful scene of small valleys can be seen from there. A lot of devotes from surrounding districts and cities including Kathmandu valley visit Namobuddha quite frequently. Similarly foreigners from Europe and Asia visit every year. The school is connected with black topped road. The school is located at the top of the hill beside the Namobuddha Monastery surrounding Pandey and Pathak forest. The Local Shyampati bazzar is beside the school.